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Build - Operate HR - Transfer (BOT)

Build-Operate-Transfer model for IT Outsourcing: Remove the uncertainty

Establish a nearshore tech team with the help of an IT outsourcing partner, who brings the team to full operational capacity, and transfers all HR management to you when you decide without compromising operational control, culture, and quality.

Three people sit at a yellow table, working on laptops and conversing. One person holds a coffee mug. The environment suggests a casual and collaborative workspace with modern decor. CodersLink 2024.

Did you know...

58% of companies use remote talent to fill skill gaps in their in-house tech teams

Operating the BOT model

Build Stage


In-depth understanding of requirements - business goals, technical requirements, company culture.


Building your team and office - sourcing talent, securing office space, equipment, and manage HR functions.

Operate Stage


Operating all HR functions - Payroll and Benefits, Staffing, Performance Management, and Equipment and Office changes.


Establish and standardize policies - job roles, functions, salaries, performance expectations, and career paths.

Transfer Stage


Transferring all HR management internally to a company.


Company continues to request talent from IT partner, but now manages when hired.

Make impact across the board

Continuous access to specialized knowledge, cost savings, and boost in tech productivity

HR Managers

Avoid common problems with building large nearshore teams with support from on-the-ground experts. Maintain corporate culture.


Reduction and predictability in labor and benefit costs, increase in hiring speed. Grow on-demand. Increased diversity.


Increase delivery rates without sacrificing quality. Close the skill gap, obtain skill sets needed.

Executive Suite

Reduce risk on long-term IT team investment with support from expert partners. Nearshore team increases flexibility and response rate to changing business needs.

A collage of three images shows people working on laptops in different settings: a pair collaborating at a desk, four individuals working at a table, and a person working alone at a wooden table. They are connected by white lines and dots on a green background. CodersLink 2024.

Featured Services

Use an outsourcing partner’s sourcing power and pool to recruit candidates for your company.

IT Staffing for Build and Operate Stage

Start with IT staffing to start hiring fully dedicated remote developers for your Latin America office. Access managed payroll, benefits, and performance.

Permanent Placement for the Transfer Stage

Move all HR management and payroll into your internal team, whether in Latin America or in the US. Continue to add new hires on-demand.

BOT model is ideal for companies looking to establish a long-term tech team in a nearshore location

Large Companies

That depend on technology or customer support teams that are looking to quickly expand a workforce - without too much infrastructure, cost, and time - to support internal teams and long-term projects.

Medium Companies

Looking to grow a tech team or customer support team to deal with secondary tasks and priorities, as well as meet with demand peaks.


What our partners think about CodersLink

Over two years ago, we identified some strategic initiatives in Guadalajara. Since then, we’ve grown from two to over 35 employees in Mexico, with the help of CodersLink.


VP of Business Operations at J2 Global

We were impressed with how easy it was to bring a talented developer from another country to work with us, or at least how easy CodersLink made it seem.


CIO and Co-founder at Parlevel

The process of starting up a team in Guadalajara was a lot less painful than we had anticipated. We were able to start with a team of six who in less than a few months are already working with our US-based teams.


CSO at StackPath

The right partner can show you the way to a successful BOT implementation

We’ve grown BOT teams in Guadalajara, Monterrey and Mexico City of more than 40 people. Our pool of over 12,000 pre-vetted candidates helps BOT partners shorten recruitment timeframes by 30%, save over $1 million in labor costs during their first year, and establish procedures and policies for long-term growth.

Our partnerships are long-lasting and based on transparency and communication.

Build-Operate-Transfer ROI Calculator