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In an office setting, a group of five people collaborates on different levels around desks equipped with computers. One person points at a laptop screen while others observe. A

Roles de TI

October 17, 2024

  9 min

Los diferentes niveles profesionales en Data Engineering.

A medida que los profesionales de Data Engineering avanzan en su carrera, las expectativas y responsabilidades se vuelven más exigentes, especialmente en términos de experiencia en ingeniería de datos. Desde los niveles junior, enfocados en tareas básicas y bajo supervisión, hasta los roles Senior en Data Engineering, donde se lideran proyectos complejos y se optimizan sistemas, cada etapa profesional implica un crecimiento en habilidades técnicas y soft skills.

Otros Artículos

Illustration of a development team lead standing confidently atop colorful blocks, guiding four people working on laptops. The background features abstract shapes, gears, and leaves. Dashed lines connect the individuals, symbolizing collaboration and teamwork in achieving goals. CodersLink 2024.

Roles de TI

November 17, 2023

  7 min

Development team lead: qué necesitas para este rol

Illustration of a confused man sitting at a desk with a laptop, balancing options represented by thought bubbles. One bubble shows a stack of papers labeled

Roles de TI

November 14, 2023

  9 min

Cómo Saber Si Eres un Desarrollador Full Stack

Illustration of a man with glasses and a beard, presumably a Project Manager, pointing to a large presentation board with various charts and graphs. He holds a tablet in his other hand. The background features floating documents and notes, highlighting his skills and responsabilidades, with two potted plants in the foreground. CodersLink 2024.

Roles de TI

November 7, 2023

  8 min

Project Manager: skills y responsabilidades

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