Talento | Employers

FTS Model - 24/7/365 Operations Team

Follow the sun model: How it can meet your business needs

Provide around the clock software development, customer service or sales lead generation with the help of LATAM tech talent.

A person sits at a desk in front of a computer, focused on their work. They are using a laptop and have a cup of coffee nearby. The setting appears to be an office space with a large window in the background. Various geometric shapes decorate the image. CodersLink 2024.

Did you know...

60% of companies view remote teams as critical to operating at full capacity, meeting market demands, and important for developing and improving products and services.

Make impact across the board

Provide true ongoing support and development. Unlock increased customer satisfaction, team diversity, and non-stop performance.

HR Managers

Access to international talent pools to meet time-zone team requirements.


On-demand scaling or downsizing to meet market demand peaks. True 24/7 customer support. Reduced labor costs on all time-zones.


Access to global skills and talent. Non-stop performance in building technology and supporting emergencies.

Executive Suite

Increased product adoption by happy customers. Reduction in product-launch timelines. Reduced risk when unexpected circumstances arise.

A collage of three images: a group working collaboratively at a table with laptops and notebooks, a person focused on a computer screen, and another person working on a laptop in a cozy, dimly lit environment. Geometric lines connect the images, indicating network. CodersLink 2024.

Featured Services

Use an outsourcing partner’s sourcing power and pool to recruit candidates for your company.

Permanent Placement

Find and hire tech talent directly into your team and payroll, whether in Latin America or in the US.

Follow the Sun model is ideal for the following type of business

Large companies with global operations

That provide ongoing customer support service to global customers, who are looking for options to grow their teams in alternate time-zones at a great value and large companies who work on technology applications, looking to boost their project deliverability rates and shorten launch times at rates that support their growth and ROI goals.


What our partners think about CodersLink

Customers can expect a partner willing to go the extra mile for their clients.


VP of Business Operations at J2 Global

Their remote engineers are technically proficient and intellectually curious with as much appreciation of our business issues as they are of technical requirements.


CEO at Bitfract

They know how to bring the right people and how to talk about our culture, our goals, and our values before introducing us to those candidates.


VP of People at Paystand

The right outsourcing partner can help your 24/7/365 operation run quicker, smoother, and at a lower cost

CodersLink has built customer support and development teams for over 70 different companies from startups to large public companies. Our focus on providing talent solutions has allowed our partners to build whole teams in weeks, save them over $40,000 annually per hire and access multidisciplinary talent.

We base our partnerships on transparency and ongoing communication to ensure they’re long-lasting.

Latin American Talent ROI Calculator