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Q2 | Opening an office in Mexico under the Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) model


        An image with a blue and green gradient overlay. A building with "Q2" logos is visible in the background. White text in the foreground reads, "Q2 is a Top Workplace 13 years running." A badge on the right side reads, "Top Workplaces 2023, Austin American-Statesman." Q2 is now opening an office in Mexico with a Build-Operate CodersLink 2024.


Hiring tech talent in Austin, Texas was very competitive, and the company struggled to fill positions. As the company decided to expand its operations, they looked into filling those gaps with remote talent.

Thanks to its proximity and some familiarity with the country, Q2 looked to Mexico. They ventured to open up an office in Monterrey, but they had several questions and concerns about the process, transition, and logistics involved in hiring Mexican talent.

Their ultimate goal was to open up their own entity in Mexico. Of course, this would require a considerable time commitment upfront, and they wanted to start building momentum on a solid foundation. So, they opted for a tech solutions partner to expedite the process without sacrificing candidate quality.

Opening up a satellite office is a big undertaking with logistical and legal ramifications and considerations. Untangling all of this while trying to hire a new team and ensure quality candidates was a monumental endeavor. So, they looked for support with the CodersLink Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) model.

Q2’s initial concerns were:

  • Location. The company wondered whether Monterrey was the appropriate destination for their office and whether it would suit their operations well.
  • The market. Operating in a new market comes with a lot of unknowns. The company was concerned about how to begin the legal process of hiring remote developers and transitioning into an independent entity in a new market.
  • Average salaries. One concern revolved around salaries: uncertainty about average salaries, what they could offer to get the best talent, and whether they could budget it with the many positions they had to fill.
  • Available Talent. Another concern was finding qualified candidates for the various positions and profiles they had to fill. Some positions were more specialized than others and required more careful vetting and matching to ensure quality.

CodersLink engaged with Q2 to understand their market needs and potential challenges and offered the Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) service, which involved recruiting, managing payroll, and creating a transition plan for Q2’s future expansion to Mexico. CodersLink assigned three account executives to handle hiring needs.

The partnership was close, involving discussions about compliance and legal requirements, as well as assistance with payment term options, recruiting, and vetting. CodersLink’s customizable services provided flexible options to better suit Q2’s needs throughout the process. The partnership aimed to provide a solid foundation for Q2’s transition to their independent entity in Mexico.


Office equipment and welcome kits logistics 

  • CodersLink assisted and supported Q2 with the logistics of purchasing and delivering computers and office equipment, as well as personalized welcome kits from the company.

50 positions filled (and counting).

  • Some of the roles included: Application Support Specialists, Business Analysts, Financial Analysts, Implementation Engineer, Project Managers, QAs, Software Developers, UX Designers and Solutions Architects.

Smooth transition to establishing its legal entity in Mexico 

  • The company started its easy transition of creating its legal entity in Mexico with an integrated staff of tech specialists working right away, thanks to CodersLink’s support and advice.

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