Outsourcing tech jobs has, in the past few years, proven to be an effective, profitable, and beneficial venture for many companies. As technology becomes more and more indispensable and companies require creative solutions, security, and application development, often on a project by project basis, these types of IT jobs are in constant and high demand. The talent pool of course gets bigger and bigger as technology students all across the globe are learning these skills in order to compete in an increasingly fierce market.
Outsourcing, Remote Work, & Hiring Partners
While there is some overlap between all of these, let’s look at some of the main trends in the changing job market.
Outsourcing refers to companies that look for specialized workers outside of the company to complete a particular project. This means a company might look for someone to provide auxiliary services. For example, you might be a company in need of some software development in order to sell your product. This might require you to outsource, or look outside of your own company to get the job done. Statistics show that a majority of outsourced IT functions in 2017 included software application development. It comprises a large part of many companies IT budget and many organizations are looking to optimize internal staffing through selective use of outside development firms.
Remote Work
Outsourced jobs many times include hiring remote workers. This entails hiring outside of your company; these employees can be across the country or across borders. Remote employees are, in other words, not working in your office, but they are very much a part of your company—whether it is on a long term or contractual basis.
Hiring Partners
As all of the above has taken hold of the IT job market, the way that companies hire has seen similar changes. With so many choices, it’s often difficult for companies to know where to begin looking for the precise candidate. Whether a company wants to hire a remote worker or simply look outside of their city for the best, a hiring partner assists with those endeavors. These are companies that specialize in finding high quality and effective job candidates for a specified sector. For example, CodersLink, can help companies find the best developers as they emerge from the Mexican tech boom. Then, they simplify the hiring process and assist companies in bringing on a new employee or facilitate a remote hire and the process that follows.
The nature of remote work is still being explored today, but as more and more companies fall in line with this profitable and effective business practice, different approaches are being discussed and discovered.
The Productivity Boom
For a long time, it was an ongoing debate as to whether remote work would prove more productive than a regular office setting. As companies across the United States have embarked on this practice, the witness accounts are coming back. Nicholas Bloom, a Stanford researcher, for example, conducted a famous two year study involving 500 workers. His study showed that people working from home saw an upsurge in their productivity and were actually getting more accomplished while taking shorter breaks. The study also showed their concentration levels improve and that they had fewer sick days and took less time off. At the same time, the company saved $2,000 per employee on rent.
The Caveat
Of course, when changing any work dynamic, there is bound to be some unexplored territory. Maintaining structure and strong leadership are key to making outsourcing or remote work a successful reality. There are important things to consider when, for example, managing remote teams and onboarding remote employees. The fact of little to no face-to-face contact also puts special demands on communication. While there are some considerations, the benefits continue to far outweigh some of the hesitations.
Consider Your Options
So whether you are looking to hire a remote employee or thinking about finding the right candidate beyond our borders, consider the options available to your company thanks to technology and the changing job market. It’s just a matter of going about it the right way.
Has your company done some outsourcing or remote hiring in the past? Let us know below!