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INFONAVIT Contributions: Payroll and Management for Employers

by Carlos A. Vázquez    |    July 27, 2024    |      5 min read


A balance scale with a pink piggy bank and stacked coins on one side and a white house on the other. The text reads: "INFONAVIT Contributions: Payroll and Management Solutions for Employers." CodersLink logo in the top left corner. Background in shades of blue. CodersLink 2024.

When establishing operations in Mexico, global employers must navigate a variety of local labor laws and regulations. One critical component is the INFONAVIT (Instituto del Fondo Nacional de la Vivienda para los Trabajadores), Mexico’s National Housing Fund Institute, which plays a significant role in providing housing benefits to employees. This guide provides an in-depth look at INFONAVIT contributions, their implications for employers, and practical examples of how these contributions are handled.


INFONAVIT was established in 1972 to manage the National Housing Fund and provide a credit system that enables workers in Mexico to access decent housing. According to the Mexican constitution, every worker has the right to decent housing, and INFONAVIT facilitates this by offering various types of housing credits. These credits can be used for:

  • Buying a home
  • Building a home
  • Remodeling or expanding a current home
  • Paying an existing mortgage
  • Renting a home

Employer Obligations

Employers in Mexico are required to register with INFONAVIT and contribute to the fund as part of their payroll process. Key obligations include:

Registration: Employers must register themselves and their employees with INFONAVIT within five business days of hiring.

Contribution: Employers must contribute 5% of each employee’s salary to INFONAVIT. These contributions are made bi-weekly.

Notification: Employers must notify INFONAVIT within five days when an employee leaves the company.

Failure to comply with these obligations can result in significant fines ranging from three to three hundred and fifteen times the locally established minimum wage.

How INFONAVIT Contributions are Used

The contributions collected from employers are used to fund various housing-related loans and benefits for employees. These loans are designed to help employees:

  • Purchase new homes
  • Build new homes
  • Remodel or expand existing homes
  • Pay off existing mortgages

These contributions directly benefit employees, making housing more affordable and accessible.

Practical Examples

Example 1: New Employee Registration

Situation: A company hires a new employee on January 1st.

Action: By January 6th, the employer must register the new employee with INFONAVIT.

Contribution: The employee earns $20,000 MXN per month. The employer must contribute 5% of this salary ($1,000 MXN) to INFONAVIT bi-weekly.

Example 2: Employee Departure Notification

Situation: An employee leaves the company on June 30th.

Action: By July 5th, the employer must notify INFONAVIT of the employee’s departure to update the records and cease contributions for that employee.

Legal Framework

The legal basis for INFONAVIT contributions is found in Article 123 of the Mexican Constitution and the INFONAVIT Law. These regulations ensure that all employees in the formal sector have access to housing benefits, funded by employer contributions.

Benefits for Employees

Employees benefit from INFONAVIT in several ways:

Access to Affordable Housing: Employees can access loans for purchasing, building, or remodeling homes, making housing more affordable.

Direct Payments: Mortgage payments are deducted directly from employees’ salaries, ensuring timely repayments and reducing default risks.

Support for Low-Income Workers: INFONAVIT provides up to 850,000 pesos in credit, which is proportional to the employee’s salary and designed to be affordable.

Benefits for Employers

Employers also benefit from participating in INFONAVIT:

Compliance: Adhering to INFONAVIT regulations helps employers avoid legal issues and fines.

Employee Satisfaction: Providing housing benefits can improve employee satisfaction and retention.

Corporate Social Responsibility: Contributing to employee housing aligns with corporate social responsibility goals and enhances the company’s reputation.

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CodersLink Payroll Management through EOR and BOT

Navigating the complexities of INFONAVIT contributions and other payroll obligations can be challenging for global employers. CodersLink offers comprehensive payroll management solutions through our Employer of Record (EOR) and Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) models, ensuring compliance and efficiency.

Employer of Record (EOR): CodersLink acts as the legal employer for your Mexican workforce, managing all HR, payroll, and compliance tasks. This includes handling INFONAVIT contributions, ensuring timely payments, and keeping accurate records. With our EOR service, you can focus on your core business activities while we take care of the administrative burdens.

Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT): Our BOT model allows you to establish a presence in Mexico with minimal risk. CodersLink sets up and operates your local entity, including managing payroll and INFONAVIT contributions. Once your operations are stable, we transfer full control to you. This model is ideal for companies looking to gradually expand their footprint in Mexico.

Benefits of Using CodersLink Payroll Management:

  • Compliance: Ensure full compliance with Mexican labor laws, including INFONAVIT contributions.
  • Efficiency: Streamline payroll processes and reduce administrative burdens.
  • Expertise: Leverage our local knowledge and experience in managing payroll and HR tasks.
  • Flexibility: Choose between our EOR and BOT models based on your specific needs and growth plans.

FAQ: INFONAVIT Payroll Contributions


INFONAVIT is Mexico’s National Housing Fund Institute, which provides housing credits to workers in the formal sector, funded by employer contributions.

How much must employers contribute to INFONAVIT?

Employers must contribute 5% of each employee’s salary to INFONAVIT.

What happens if an employer does not comply with INFONAVIT regulations?

Non-compliance can result in fines ranging from three to three hundred and fifteen times the locally established minimum wage.

How are INFONAVIT contributions used?

Contributions fund various housing loans and benefits for employees, including buying, building, remodeling, or expanding homes.

What are the benefits of INFONAVIT for employees?

Employees can access affordable housing loans, with mortgage payments deducted directly from their salaries, making repayments easier and more reliable.

Glossary of Terms

  • INFONAVIT: Instituto del Fondo Nacional de la Vivienda para los Trabajadores, Mexico’s National Housing Fund Institute.
  • Bi-weekly Contributions: Payments made every two weeks by employers to INFONAVIT.
  • Proportional Salary: The calculation method for determining loan amounts based on an employee’s salary.
  • Article 123: A section of the Mexican Constitution that mandates the right to decent housing and the creation of INFONAVIT.

Employment of Record 101

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