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Embodied Wisdom: Four Management Tactics For Remote Employees

by Carlos A. Vázquez    |    August 1, 2017    |      4 min read


A person stands and gives a presentation on recruitment solutions with a laptop and projected screen in front of a seated audience. The room has wooden floors and white chairs, with various papers and a phone on the table beside the presenter. CodersLink 2024.

Management tactics for remote employees are vital in maintaining productivity and engagement. Perhaps your company headquarters are in San Francisco, Austin, or some other tech hub, but you have employees across nations and time zones. This requires effective central management that leads these long distance workers in a unified and clear direction.

The precursor to this is the approach. How managers think about their long distance workers. Remote employees are not separate operations from the company; they are extensions of it.


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#1 Build & Continually Strengthen Connections

Management tactics for remote employees begin and end with clear communication. As the head, you set the pace and the path. A cohesive operation demands collective unity. It’s what one might call embodied wisdom. Consider the following:

  • Make sure every worker understands the company mission and its short term and long term objectives. As Harvard Business Review states, this provides workers with meaning, which is key in forming strong work relationships.


  • Consider your employees’ aspirations and career ambitions. Learn about them and how their goals align with the company’s. Keep them in the loop of all company happenings.


  • Build rapport. Extend conversation beyond work talk and get to know your employee as a person, the way you would in the break room of an office.


#2 Maximize Efforts With Modern Resources

Remote work is not only a growing trend but an inevitable reality. Because of this, there are resources available to close the gaps. Companies can strengthen the links between them and their workers by using all the available resources modern day has to offer.


  • Take time in the hiring process. Learn about candidates background and work history. Vetting applicants carefully is the best way to start on solid ground. Use outsourcing partners that have established vetting procedures and recommend outstanding candidates.


  • Do a thorough onboarding for new employees. Establish common ground and communicate the vibe and culture of the company. Video conferencing technology such as Zoom meetings and other platforms can play a big role.


  • Supporting remote developers through adequate benefits is a tactical way to maintain productivity and encourage innovation. This makes remote employees feel that their efforts are being compensated appropriately and that the company cares for them. Things like medical insurance, quarterly bonuses, and payroll services are a must. An outsourcing partner is one way to ensure these are taken care of Companies like CodersLink arrange all of the necessary transactions so you can focus on setting new goals.


#3 Standardized & Consistent Work Practices

Maintaining standardized work practices will help structure the work week and compartmentalize tasks. After all, structure facilitates discipline and discipline is the foundation of productivity.


  • Avoid delayed communication. Different time zones often causes delays in the progress of a project and kill momentum. Make accomodations when possible to take a late call or cater to your employees needs and help them be productive.


  • Set weekly or bi-weekly goals that allow for progress measurement. As the common saying goes: that which is constantly measured is constantly improved.  If these goals are not met, try to figure out why and address the issues at the source.


  • Always know who is working on what project and whether they have the tools they need to complete said projects.


#4 Support Their Growth

When your employees are engaged and learning, they are more likely to align to company values and mission. When they feel left out, disengaged, or bored, production will tank, creativity will vanish, and they are likely to retreat into disconnected work mode.


  • Think or talk about how to expand their role or alter responsibilities to keep them challenged and learning new things. Forbes magazine suggests offering innovative learning experiences sparks innovation.


  • As your employees learn and venture into new territory they will feel more invested in the company mission. As they learn, the company is enhanced.


  • Use technology to maximize the power of the collective by harnessing collaboration and brainstorming.


See Your Company Thrive

In the end, effective management tactics for remote employees hinge upon good communication. See your employees as possibilities— rather than a mere business transaction. You are connected, after all, by a common mission. Support their growth, get to know them, maintain consistency and the company as a whole will thrive.

In the competitive world of remote work so much is yet to be discovered. What are some challenges that you’ve had with remote work? How did you manage to tackle them? We’d love to hear your stories!


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