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Software Developer Salaries Across Latin America

by Carlos A. Vázquez    |    April 29, 2022    |      4 min read


A person in a red and black plaid shirt is sitting at a desk with two laptops and a monitor. The monitor displays lines of code, possibly reflecting work related to developer salaries. The workspace is well-lit by natural light from a window in the background. CodersLink 2024.

With the COVID-19 pandemic contributing to a massive shift in remote work, more companies are understanding the value of hiring remote software developers in Latin America. The benefits of hiring top tech talent in this region far outweigh the negatives. In addition to lower software developer salaries, companies have access to elite engineers when hiring in tech hubs like Mexico. Benefits companies experience include: 

Highly skilled talent. Many Latin American countries have invested big in developing their tech talent, allowing developers to get comfortable with their skills and have a more robust understanding of the industry as a whole.

Proximity to North America. The time zone difference between Latin America and North America averages less than two hours, making it easy for companies to hire developers that can work on a similar timeline to their own. This allows for prompt communication and a lower risk of missing deadlines.

Fewer language barriers. Due to its proximity to North America, many Latin American software developers are already fluent in English. Plus, many Americans have an adequate understanding of Spanish, the most common language in Latin America.

A growing tech industry. With almost one million tech graduates per year in Latin America, the tech industry isn’t slowing down anytime soon. Latin American governments continuously invest in technical education, laying the groundwork for a talented, growing group of software developers.

Lower costs. Latin America has low labor costs overall, especially compared to Europe and the U.S. The cost of this labor is also at a high value, as salaries are low on average, but companies are matched with highly-skilled developers.

Cultural understanding. North America and Latin America share many commonalities, including a strong work ethic, workplace hierarchies, and a deep understanding of the technological landscape.

To further understand the value of hiring developers in Latin America, take a look at the average yearly software developer salaries throughout this region compared to developers in the United States. Mexico’s tech eco system is competitive on various fronts. It houses top talent and a growing workforce for a fraction of the average U.S. developer salary. 

Ready to hire top tech talent?

Software Developer Salary Comparisons

Role U.S. Mexico Brazil Argentina Colombia Costa Rica
Full stack developer $79,584 $37,872 $67,008 $72,588 $26,040 $49,908
Front end developer $77,028 $37,944 $67,140 $72,720 $26,088 $50,004
Back end developer $87,009 $40,524 $71,700 $77,664 $27,864 $53,412
Mobile developer $74,797 $36,996 $65,460 $70,908 $25,440 $48,756

*This table reflects 2023 numbers

In our most recent Mexico Tech Salaries Report 2023, we look into the average yearly salary of Latin American regions and they looked a little like this:

Latin American region Average Yearly Salary in U.S. Dollars. 
Brazil $47,823
Mexico $36,324
Argentina $29,556
Colombia $27,264
Costa Rica $25,799

Our most recent report homes in on the unique elements that make Mexico a we also explore the average salaries by role of tech professionals throughout Mexico. This includes essential tech roles like Engineering management, Project Manager, Scrum Master, and more.

Moving Forward

Ready to build your software development team in Latin America? There are three main ways you can get started:

  1. Software Outsourcing – For companies with development needs but not a tech focus, outsourcing part or all of their IT and Development needs to a Latin American-based company is the best choice.
  2. Staff Augmentation – This is an excellent option for growing companies who want to find quality talent at a much lower cost. These companies can hire employees to work remotely while integrating them into their core operations.
  3. BOT (Build, Operate, Transfer) – Great for companies that want to build a new office or an offshore team but do not have the bandwidth or the necessary know-how to do it without risk. The BOT model allows companies to partner with a local agency to hire and operate the staff until it reaches a sustainable point to be transferred entirely to the company.

If you’re hoping to capitalize on software developers in Latin America without increasing costs, CodersLink can help. We empower scaling companies to build, grow, and manage remote tech teams in Latin America.

Through remote staffing and direct placements, we ensure the best companies find first-rate talent to continue developing their technology teams, fill skill gaps, and respond to scaling needs. Contact us to get started!

Tech Salaries Report 2024

Tech Salaries Report 2024: The top IT salary guide for Mexico and Latin America

The battle for tech talent is in full swing. This comprehensive report serves as a multi-dimensional look into the unique and growing tech hiring market in Mexico and Latin America. The Mexico Tech Salaries Report 2023 serves as a useful salary guide and benchmarking tool for companies looking to stay competitive and snatch up the region’s best developers, engineers, and tech talent.