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How Much Does It Cost To Hire A Developer In Mexico?

by Carlos A. Vázquez    |    July 25, 2019    |      3 min read


How Much Does It Cost To Hire A Developer In Mexico?

You may have heard that offshoring is a popular form of hiring in America. It’s true! Many small, midsize, and large companies in the U.S outsource manufacturing in countries like China, call services in India, and so on. 

When it comes to hiring developers for your IT team, where do companies turn for reliable, competent, and creative talent? Sure, there are the traditional answers of onshoring, offshoring, and nearshoring.  The better answer, however, is co-sourcing in Mexico with CodersLink. Mexico has a wide pool of talented developers willing to commit and grow your company. At the same time, Mexico has all the benefits of a nearshore location:

  • Proximity and Time Zone
  • Cultural Affinity
  • Cost Savings
  • Shot Flights
  • Trade Agreements

Of course, you have the onshore hiring option, but hiring quality developers in the US can cost 3 times or even 5 times more than in Mexico, without even mentioning the struggle with workforce shortage in the US.

Does this mean that Mexican developers are cheap?

No. IT salaries in Mexico are competitive because the cost of living South of the border means it is more affordable than in neighborhoods like Silicon Valley, considered among the most expensive cities in the world. Developers in Mexico possess the same skills and experience but at a more competitive rate.


We recently put together data from over 8,000 developer interviews across different tech regions to provide a comprehensive view of Mexico’s tech salaries and compared them to the average salaries in the US.

Let’s take a look at this comparison of US national average salaries against Mexico’s:

tech salaries report

The states of California, Virginia, Washington, New York, and Massachusetts are the top 5 US states with higher income. The best-paid 25 percent earned $128,960, while the lowest-paid 25 percent made $77,710.

In Mexico, we consider the 3 main tech hubs —Mexico City, Monterrey, and Guadalajara —to be the best-paid Mexican states.

These three regions attract most of the talent, investing capital, and top tech companies; conditions that make it possible for people to lead a good and comfortable life with salaries that would be unthinkable in the US.

Even in tier-II cities like Tijuana and Mexicali, software developers can have high salary expectations due to high demand.

Every year more companies choose to build tech teams abroad because it’s hard to find suitable and affordable talent onshore, but there’s no developer shortage if you’re willing to open your mind to hiring in Mexico!

If you’re looking to hire or build a team in Mexico, download our Tech Salaries In Mexico 2019 Report where we also compare developer salaries in different specialties in the main tech hubs we just mentioned above and benefits offered by leading companies present in Mexico, so you may contrast and analyze your options.

Download our Tech Salaries In Mexico 2019 Report

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